Behind the scenes | Hackthebox Writeup

2 min readFeb 27, 2023


Hello and welcome to my Blog!

This is a writeup for behind the scenes hackthebox challenge, which can be found here

Let’s get right into it.

After downloading the zip file and extracting it with the password “hackthebox” we get a file, on using file command:

lets run the file to see what it does.

we see that it requires a password, maybe we can get something on strings

strings -n 4 behindthescenes

we see something that seems like a flag:

But where is the password?

From here we can view the hex of the file maybe we can get something, I use xxd:

xxd behindthescenes

On viewing the output if we scroll down we see the command “./challenge <password>” recall that output when we ran the file, then it is followed by some string, that must be the password, right?

If we input the string found as the password:

NB: You must remove the “.” in between the string found in the hex.

We get our flag!

That’s it thank you for reading this.




Written by 0xEpitome

Reverse Engineering | CTFS | CyberSecurity | Malware Analysis

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